Friday, October 30, 2015

Dark Hunter Series: Dark Side of the Moon

Reading "Dark Side of the Moon", I felt awful about Susan's life; had it all, a perfect dream, but pushed so far in her career just to see it all crumble before her. Plus the fact no one would help her, in believeing it might ruin others as well. I guess in her case that's journalism for you. But Susan was not the only person I felt for; Rayvn, the big bad shapeshifter, that got himself captured and handed over to his enemies, by what? In Kenyon's words, "that puta in that red skirt". For both Susan and Rayvn, that was only the beginning, especially when Stryker's name is involved. 

There are two parts of the story I enjoy, these parts roll with on another since its in basically the same passage. One being, Susan who takes home a cat she is allergic too, and two his shape shifting stage, which led to an argument and lamp poking. That was a great passage I'll tell you what. Back to the point. Throughout the book there was always a twist or turn you weren't expecting like, Susan kind of becoming a squire, Rayvn's lovely . . . Uh family, and Susan being able to find the answers she needs to avenge her two best friends deaths. With the help of Rayvn of course. 

Each word, page, chapter, or book; you as a reader learn more and get to know each character better. It's quite fascinating how one can get lost quickly in a book, but that's the work of a great writer, is it not?

(Sorry I've been behind so much! I'm trying my best with balancing everything.) 

Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dark Hunter Series: Unleash The Night

I was thrilled to read Wren's story; thinking back, Wren had always kept himself isolated, except when it came to Aimee and Marvin. From short bits of other stories I knew he was an outcast and he had a lethal aura around him, that made the leader Nicolette, leery over him being in her home. I figured he would be mostly a background character. Obviously I was wrong and should have expected his story. Now that I have read the book I understand him on a greater level. I now can understand why he is the way he is and I completely respect his isolation to a certain extent. The odds of Maggie becoming his mate was exhilarating. Two different people of two different worlds. Now yes that's how most the stories go. The magic world and the human world, etc. But for Wren and Maggie it seems like so much more. As I read through their story, I felt as though I was experiencing their emotion, I could really feel as though I was right there with them. When it came time for them to head to the past I wasn't sure how I felt about the situation at hand. Was it really safe for Maggie? What are they going to find? Was wren the killer or not? Now mind you I did not believe he killed his parents, but when he met his father, all his feelings started to rise up from the back of his mind. When he had told Maggie why and had shown her the baby Wren, I felt for Wren's father, that he understood his mistakes. But what he did to Maggie blew me away! But I think the one thing I loved the most was Maggie standing up to her father and laying out what she truly felt, and when her father had shown up for the wedding I was pleased to know he finally understood his daughter for who she was. All in all this was a wonderful book. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dark Hunter Series: Sins of the Night

"In the realm of the Dark-Hunters, there is a code of honor that even immortal bad boys must follow: Harm no human. Drink no blood. Never fall in love. 
But every now and again, a Dark-Hunter thinks himself above the code. That's when I'm summoned. Who am I? I'm wrath you will face. Nothing can touch me. Nothing can sway me. I'm relentless and unfeeling." 
When I read this I laughed a bit because I wasn't sure what I was expecting to read after. When it jumped right in to the story it was amazing to read Alexion being captivated with the way a French Dark-Huntress was fight a group of Daimons. The way she moved around, like in the book referred as dancing, to him it was beautiful. To think Alexion was only going down to the human realm to deal with the two Dark-Hunters that were trying to convert their brethren to a darker side per say. Even though as someone who was unable to feel grew to love such a women. Starting out awkwardly being welcomed into Dangers home, she was confronted with a man Kyros had said she would meet. Well he didn't know she would meet him but he exclaimed what the said man would look like. Reading through the story you could connect with Danger and Alexion. When it got to the point where Kyros met his dear old friend from the beginning, it was kind of a shock to me, but in the end through all the battles and some losses I was okay because Kyros was realizing how stupid he was being. Until the real battle happened and Danger was killed. I was so pissed with Alexion when Ash didn't do anything, all until they returned home. I was so pleased when she was there, confused, but there. That end made he love more. Every time I read another book of Kenyon's I fall in love more and more and can't wait for the next book. 

Thanks for reading! 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Dark hunter series: Seize the Night

Hey everyone! Man I'm slacking on updating stuff. But here we go! So first things first; I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this book due to knowing the past of Kyrian and the family line of Amanda. It was odd for me in the beginning but not shortly after I fell in love with Val and Tabby. There connection was just so intense and dangerous I wasn't sure what to expect. So much secrets, so much passion, and so much revealing going on. Man the things you find out about Ash and poor Nick man. That was a true story none the less. The love and blood shed was unreal. I couldn't stop reading! This was a great story and I can't wait to read more. Everything has escalated and become more interesting with each little tid bit of information about some dark hunter. And man oh man was there some exciting stuff in this book. Loved it. 

Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dark Hunter Series: Fantasy Lover

Hey everyone! Its been so long without my books! I have a new device to read them on so I'm ready to tell ya what I think, well if you are all still interested. Here it goes.
Dark Hunter Series: Book 1 (Fantasy Lover)

My god I have obviously read some of the Dark hunter books and those who have actually cared to read what I wrote know I skipped the first book, well here's the great part! I finally read it and couldnt put my book down. I have been waiting to read the story of Julian and my god was that a juicy tale. I wasn't expecting anything the book had to offer and those who have read it, you understand, am i right? The intense fear and pain, Mother son conflict, brothers betrayals! There was so much! You could defiantly feel the love as soon as Julian and Grace met, no you didn't? I sure did and boy did Selena have the right idea about it. Every page made me want more and more no matter how intense it got with all the dirtiness with Julian, Sherrilyn is one master at her books and I cant wait to keep reading and finish her work. I give her props and I defiantly wish I had read that one first. I CRIED, literally CRIED when he chose to go back in the book for her! That was pure love and so beautiful with each page written. The ending was a pure master piece I was so moved. Great work is what i got to say!

Alright Ill try my best to keep ya posted on my readings!

Thanks everyone! -Mercedez

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Been too long.

Sorry for the people who actually read these! My tablet kind of died and is unusable at this time. So reading won't be happening as well as reading off my computer too. Have to fix that as well. So for now I'll only be posting in the inspire blog! 
Thanks for reading. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dark-Hunter series: Kiss of the Night

Alright so the book I'm writing about is the one I am reading right now, I do not have a lot to say about it so far, except WOAH sexual tension that is unexplained? Oh and she remembers?! Wow that is a twist I think I secretly knew, but did not want to know yet. I'll update this when I finish the book, but for now happy reading!
Oh my god! I'm so happy how this book ended and so angry that the climax of the book was so in depth until the very end! How!? They are from two different worlds! And woah woah woah kids?! Sherriyln really knows how to mess with your head. Believe one thing then BAM! HA! Plot twist what you thought was normal and right, is not where near it anymore. I'm just done.... Jk I'm still reading, but now in not sure what will blow my mid next. Well that's my review, not great but still good. Thanks! 

Since I review after I read a book, the reviews will happen farther apart than normal, but I'll keep ya posted!
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dark-Hunter series: Dance with the Devil

Alright so this was a really short read for me. I'm not sure if I just don't have the full book or what I read was it, but I gotta say it was still great. The Hunter Gallagher, with an unexpected past, just trying to support his family. Finding the girl of his dreams that would later cost his life and soul. Gallagher being the thing he is now, just trying to save the lives of the humans, finds himself saving a girl that would reunite him with his family he tried so hard to avoid. At least that's what I understood of it. What he was going through when he saw her was memories I would assume he was secretly running from. 
Like I said I wish I had more of this story because I'm dying to know how his life was going to change with the sight of his family. But yeah; thanks for reading! 

Dark-Hunter series: Night Embrace

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been feeling well, that's why I'll be posting two tonight and this one will be more short than I plan, but here we go. 
Night embrace I believe, I wasn't ready for. When I met Talon in the second book I wasn't sure how I felt about him. He's different and secluded, but more interesting than I imagined.  His story started out normal until bam! Women! She changed everything about his life and when I found out who she was my heart metaphorically exploded! I wasn't ready for the connection nor ready for the insanely amazing twists and turns that were almost on every page. So much between them and so much trying to ruin things. These books that Sherriyln wrote, at least from what I've read so far, have one deep connection that just blows the mind of the reader. With each page of me finding out more and more of the two loves I just couldn't contain my emotions. Talon and his love have a greater connection than I ever imagined possible. After I found the twist and true that came alive, I was dying to read more and find out what happened. I can say Sherriyln really knows how to keep you on edge with the smallest detail. Love these books! 
Alright thanks for reading! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Dark Hunter Series: Night Pleasure

Hey guys! So like I said I would write a little something on each book of the series as I read them; well the first few book posts I will be doing are the ones I've already read, but still worth a good review. So here I go!

The book Night Pleasure wasn't the first book I read of the series. I kind of started at the end without knowing it, but once I found out the order of the series and noticed I had most the books I was ready to go even though I didn't have to first book of the series but i'm working to fix that. :P  Anyways the book "Night Pleasure" was definitely something I was not expecting; I'm not saying I didn't love it because I totally fell in love with the book. It was something different i tell ya what; When I read it I wasn't sure what to expect, because I just dive right it to books without even really knowing the story itself. When I read the first page I was already hooked. The characters were one of the best I've read; so much detail and depth to there life and stories with there family. When I found out what Amanda Devereaux and Hunter were up against and what they were willing to do to see there future happen I about died. This is one of many small summaries about the book:

"He is solitude. He is darkness. He is the ruler of the night. Yet Kyrian of Thrace has just woken up handcuffed to his worst nightmare: An accountant. Worse, she's being hunted by one of the most lethal vampires out there. And if Amanda Devereaux goes down, then he does too. But it's not just their lives that are hanging in the balance.  Kyrian and Amanda are all that stands between humanity and oblivion. Let's hope they win." 

Every bit of detail and fighting just kept me at the edge of my seat. I could barely deal with not being able to read the book at work. I wanted to know so much more about what they were up against, how they would fight together, and if he was going to be able to get over his worst fear that made him go insane. What Amanda did to help was one of the best. I loved every bit of what she was to him and what he was willing to to for her. 

Great book to read; I couldn't wait to read more of the lives of the hunters and their allies. More excitement with each book you read. I highly recommend to everyone who hasn't read it, to definitely give is a shot, you wont be disappointed. At least I wasn't, but give it a shot! 

Thanks for reading! 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sherriyln Kenyon

I have found a book series that I can't seem to stop reading. It is called the Dark Hunter Series. I don't fully remember how many books there are; i believe there is 25 or so. The main point of this is that the author Sherriyn Kenyon, created one of the best that I've read so far. Each book gives you the depth of the past, the present, but not sure about the future. I've only read nine books so far and I'm basically in love! It's a book series I highly recommend. So much detail, a lot of amazing fighting, people falling in love, etc. A perfect mix of everything that will sure keep you on the edge of your seat. I'm not saying you'll like it and I'm not you won't, but I very much recommend you to try the series out if you haven't read it yet! Hopefully here soon I'll write a small review about each book so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading! (: 